ICAFSS Small grants and bursaries
July 2024 grant round
The July 2024 grant round is now open for the national Intercountry Adoptee and Family Support Service (ICAFSS) Small Grants and Bursaries Program (SGB). Applications must be submitted to icafss@rasa.org.au by COB 31 July 2024.
The Small Grants and Bursaries Program is a component of the national ICAFSS program provided by Relationships Australia. The total amount per year for SGB is $50,000 with each small grant being a maximum of up to $5,000 available, and up to $500 for individual bursaries.
Small grants are typically used to fund small projects/events/activities and KAIAN is willing to consider acting as auspice if you are a member (applications must be supported by a registered organisation).
Additionally, individual bursaries are available to financially support individual's expenses relating to adoption services/support.
ICAFSS website with application form and further details
Key bursary details listed below
Suggested bursary uses:
Bursary funding may be made available specifically for intercountry adoptees only, as a contribution to costs of practical items associated with such items as:
Accessing or translation of birth documentation.
Visa applications for search for origin or reunion purposes.
Applying for country of origin citizenship.
Access to intercountry adoption related activities for those who live in regional and remote areas. Note: Some people living in metropolitan areas have previously been successful in obtaining bursary for interstate travel but priority will be given to remote/regional.
Brokerage for individual counselling and other services that are not already provided under the ICAFSS and are related to intercountry adoption, where the individual or family cannot reasonably afford these services.
Bursary criteria​:
Funding sought is directly related to inter-country adoption matters
Funding for items sought is not available from other sources
Applicants cannot reasonably afford the full or partial cost of practical items sought
The items sought are priority needs and time-critical for the applicant