about US

Korean-Australian adoptees at the KAIAN Commune held in Melbourne, March 2023.
KAIAN (Korean Adoptees In Australia Network) is a not-for-profit organisation run entirely by Australian Korean adoptees providing support and information to other Australian Korean adoptees.
Founded in 2014, KAIAN aims to connect adult Korean adoptees in Australia with each other, the international Korean adoptee community, and the larger Korean Australian community.
We are a group with unique cultural identities and experiences. We aim to empower the voices of Australian Korean adoptees and share the unique experiences of intercountry adoption in Australia.
We also foster networks amongst our members and wider community through educational, cultural, and social events.
Meet our KAIAN committee members
Sign up to an upcoming KAIAN event

KAIAN members and Korean Embassy representatives at the KAIAN Gathering, December 2017
KAIAN members at a social dinner in Seoul during IKAA Gathering 2023

KAIAN members attend a Korean rice cake decorating workshop in Sydney, May 2023

KAIAN members attend a zine workshop in Sydney, 2022